Lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5b
Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Proverbs 3:5a
This Proverb is quite clear.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5 NKJV
Let’s look at the definition of this verse word by word for greater clarification.
Trust - Strong’s Concordance Hebrew Reference 982: To trust.
Trust in. Be confident. Have confidence. Sure. Secure. To feel safe. Hope.
In - Strong’s Concordance Hebrew Reference 413:
Concerning. In regard to. In reference to. On account of.
According to (rule or standard).
The Lord - Strong’s Concordance Hebrew Reference 3068:
Jehovah = the existing One. The proper name of the God of Israel.
All - Strong’s Concordance Hebrew Reference 3605:
The whole. Totality. Anything. Everything.
Heart - Strong’s Concordance Hebrew Reference 3820:
Inner man. Mind. Will. Heart. Understanding. Soul. Knowledge. Thinking. Inclination. Reflection. Determination (of will). Seat of appetites. Seat of emotions. Seat of passions. Seat of courage. Heart (of moral character.)
Lean - Strong’s Concordance Hebrew Reference 8172:
To lean. Support oneself.
Not - Strong’s Concordance Hebrew Reference 408:
Not. No. Neither. Nothing.
On - Strong’s Concordance Hebrew Reference 413:
Concerning. In reference to. According to (rule or standard).
Your Own Understanding - Strong’s Concordance Hebrew Reference 998:
An Understanding.
New American Standard Bible Translation Exhaustive Concordance:
Discernment. Consideration. Truth.
Your - (Dictionary Definition) Belonging to.
Own - (Thesaurus) Personal. Private.
Understanding - (Dictionary Definition) Comprehension. Perception. Judgement.
In summary, these definitions could read as follows.
Be confidently secure in Jehovah. Feel safe in Him. Have hope in the existing One with everything in you, not supporting yourself with what you consider true.…neither support oneself according to your own personal standard, or discernment. Instead, determine to trust God in totality!
By definition, we can trust God to be our support.
However, when our focus is fixed upon the circumstances, or the outcome of a situation that surround us, a fog can creep in, hazing our way of thinking.
This haze can befuddle us. Plaguing our peace.
Have you ever entertained such thoughts? Doubted? Allowing, “Why?” to
rob you of your confidence in Christ.
When one leans upon their own comprehension, it tends to make God small. We see the Almighty through our limitations. When we doubt, our eyes are blurred to His Majesty. As we grumble, the murmur within us baffles His voice. Confusion clouds understanding. The heart hardens, wrongfully blaming God for negligence. However, when we rise confidently in the character of God, these thoughts are no longer perplexing. “Why?” looses it’s sting. His Majesty reigns clear even when my situation is not. I can rest confidently in the goodness of God.
Upon whom are you leaning?
Have hope in the One that never fails; especially, when the circumstances you are leaning on say differently. Remember, our God is a sure foundation.
With everything, in everything - TRUST GOD!
With everything, in everything - I choose to trust in You -
leaning not on my own understanding.
Help me to look beyond the confusion of my circumstances, acknowledging,
You are good - all the time - even when life causes me pain.
You know my thoughts. They are not hidden from You. Especially, the moments I have wrestled with the doubt and disappointment of unanswered prayer, secretly blaming You. Truly, the sting of “Why?” is real. I now see, that I have allowed it to rob me of my confidence in You. Until, now!
No longer will I lean upon my own understanding, nor succumb to the torment of “Why?” Doubt. Disappointment. Nor, blame.
Today, I fix my heart on You, the Lord of All, to be my support.
Though, the struggle is real, You, my God, remain Faithful and True.
Despite the haze of the enemy, Your character is undeniably clear.
The Lord God Almighty is trustworthy.
With all that is in me, I shall trust in You.