I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.
Psalm 34:1 NIV
Join me, as we leap into in the living water of our God.
Swimming was my recreational fitness program years ago. Once, during my daily swim, like a splash, the Lord cannonballed an idea within my thoughts. An idea, I will refer to as the “ABC Challenge.”
It was a call to worship.
During the mile long swim, my soul became immersed in worshipping the Lord from
A to Z. Bubbling up from within me were springs of praise. My heart spouted the attributes of God, wading through the letters of the alphabet. This free-flowing meditation propelled me deeper into the living waters of our Lord. Though my exercise regimen has changed, the “ABC Challenge” has remained the same.
I extend this challenge to you; especially, for when the days are challenging. The bellyflops of life sting; yet, when we offer due praise to our God worship soothes the wound. A wave of healing washes over our soul. What an amazing fount of love! When we pour out; He pours in. A glorious cycle of heavenly rain reigns down on us when we worship Him.
Come. Be refreshed in the living waters of our God.
Dive in!
Let us praise Him at all times from… A to Z!
(Add your exaltation to the limited list below.)
Lord, You are…
A - Awesome! Almighty. All together lovely! Adonai. Ancient of Days.
Advocate. Alpha. Avenger. All knowing. Anointed One. Abba. Anchor.
B - Beautiful. Bread of Life. The Body and the Blood. Breath. My Boast.
Bridegroom. My Banner. Beloved. Begotten Son.
C - Christ. Creative. Comforter. Counselor. Covering. Consuming Fire.
Compassionate. Captain of the Hosts. Creator. Chief Cornerstone.
D - Divine. Delightful. Dear. Dread Warrior. Defender. Dwelling Place.
Deliverer. Door. Devoted. Dayspring.
E - Eternal. Everlasting. Encourager of my soul.
El-Shaddai (God Almighty).
Elohim (All-Powerful One).
El Elon (The God Most High).
El Roi (The God Who Sees Me).
El Olam (The Eternal God).
EL (The Strong One).
F - Faithful. First. Father. Father to the fatherless. Fierce. Fortress.
G - Good. Grace.Glory. Gift. Great. Gatekeeper. God above all.
H - Helper. Hope. Holy. Holy One. Hope of Glory. Holy Spirit. Healer.
Hallowed be Thy Name. High Priest.
I - I Am. Intercessor. Integrity. Infinite. Immanuel (God With Us).
The Holy One of Israel.
J - Jesus. Just. Jealous. Joy. Jehovah. Judge.
Jehovah-Nissi (The Lord My Banner).
Jehovah-Rapha (The Lord Who Heals).
Jehovah-Shalom (The Lord is Peace).
Jehovah-Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts.)
Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord Will Provide).
Jehovah-M’Kaddesh (The Lord Who Sanctifies).
Jehovah-Tsidkenu (The Lord Our Righteousness).
Jehovah-Shammah (The Lord is There).
Jehovah-Rohi (The Lord My Shepherd).
K - King. King of Kings. Kind.
L - Lord. Lord of Lords. Love. Light. Living Water. Life. Lifter of my head.
Lamp. Last. Lion of Judah. Lamb of God. Light of the World.
Lily of the Valley.
M - Most High. Master. Miracle Maker. Merciful. Mighty God. Majesty.
Messiah. Mediator.
N - Near. Never Changing. Nurturer.
O - Omnipotent. Omnipresent. Omniscient. One True God. Omega.
P - Prince of Peace. Powerful. Pure. Perfect. Perfecter of our faith. Potter.
Prophet. Protector.
Q - Quest. Quick to forgive.
R - Righteous. River. Rose of Sharon. Redeemer. Revered. Refuge. Rock.
Restorer of the breech. Rescuer. Resurrection.
S - Savior. Salvation. Slow to anger. Sovereign. Sufficient. Spirit. Shalom.
The Same…yesterday, today, and forever. Strong Tower. Sacrifice.
Shelter. Shield. Source of strength. Shepherd. Still small voice.
T - Trustworthy. Tried. True. Tenderhearted. The Truth. Teacher.
Tribe of Judah.
U - Universe is Your footstool. Understanding. Unchanging.
V - Victorious! Vengeance belongs to the Lord. Vine. Vine Dresser.
W - The Way. Way maker. Wise. Wonderful. The Word.
X - “X” Marks the treasure I have found in You!
Y - Yahweh. Yeshua. Yah.
Z - Zeal. Zealous over me.
May His praise forever be on our lips!
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord, my soul.
I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
Psalm 146: 1-2
Lord, stir up within me a heart of worship, that I may worship You in spirit and in truth. Day to day, moment by moment, may Your praise forever be on my lips, especially when the days are challenging.
From A to Z, You are worthy of all my praise!