(for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord,
whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God)
Exodus 34:14 NKJV
For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:2 NKJV
“I will be like the Most High.”
Isaiah 14:14b NKJV
A Jealous God? Godly jealous? A quandary. A search ensued.
Lord, I know jealousy: resentful, desirous, covetous, begrudging, green with envy…
Help me to understand the difference between godly jealousy and the jealousy that I know. In that instant, I sensed a splitting apart, a peeling away, and heard the words, “I will be like the Most High.” In my interpretation, at the time these words were spoken by the anointed cherub in the presence of God, a segregating stench entered heaven like a rolling fog, for the worshiping angel now wanted to be worshiped. The moment the angel of light announced his desire to be like the Most High God, pride spewed forth and rumbled within the heavens. Yet, the One on the throne, His Majesty, the Lord of all, Jesus Christ, prevailed. The heavens were rent. The embodiment of all pride was cast down from the presence of God, the entity of darkness was deemed separated from the throne. At this exaltation of self, a great distortion, spilled out upon the earth. Everything pure, on this side of heaven, was now tainted with the selfish desire of “I.”
…for the Lord whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.
Yes, our God is jealous, but with a godly jealousy: protective, longing, vigilant, watchful, mindful over us. He is for us, desiring we be established within the blessings of the Lord. His jealousy is unadulterated. His love virtuous. His will righteous. His desire pure. The fullness of eternity is ours through Christ. The Bridegroom eagerly awaits to bestow upon His Bride the abundance of every blessing. The King of all, our Groom, is gallantly jealous for His betrothed. Lionhearted is He.
Earthly jealousy - rooted in pride - is not so gallant. It yearns for the fulfillment of the flesh. Promotes self. Envies. Covets. Desires incessantly. Ripples with resentment at the advancement of another. Social media proves to be a good testing ground for ungodly jealousy. As you scroll down, what rises up within you? Does discontent haunt you? Do you see yourself as less when others receive more? Are there moments of distress at another’s success? Has the fog of the enemy polluted your exuberance, or are you free to rejoice in the accolades given to others? As for me, I can answer such questions with one word, “Guilty.”
I admit to entering into ungodly jealousy. Many times I have been resentful of others, not rejoicing in their success - longing for selfish gain.
May the fog of jealousy be lifted by the breath of God.
I repent for being jealous, prideful, longing for promotion, not being content with what You have given me, or how You’ve made me. I have allowed my thoughts to get foggy with the promotion of “I.” May the fog be lifted, Lord, that I can fully rejoice with others at their success, not just outwardly, but deep within my heart. I seem to have forgotten, that I am my Beloved’s and He is mine. What else really matters?
In the Name of Jesus, I break the generational stronghold of jealousy off of my life, calling it out, once and for all. I lay down every regret tied to jealousy, and speak peace to my soul, in the mighty Name of Jesus. I give You all my idols of “I,” and exchange them for the presence of the great “I AM.” Surge through me now, Holy Spirit, with the very breath of God, clearing out the fog of jealousy. May I be happy for others, truly happy, at their success. Promoting them above myself.
Father, let Your unadulterated jealousy consume the ungodly jealousy within me - the jealousy that began that moment in the heavens - fueled by pride.
I repent for all my pride, and any desire to be worshiped.
You alone, the Most High God, are worthy of all praise.
No longer, shall I be a vessel of ungodly jealousy.
This day, I decree I am a vessel of the Lord, containing godliness, contentment, and great JOY for what I have, how I am made, and for what others have been given.
I need not be jealous, for You are my Bridegroom! You delight in me!
May I delight in You, being truly satisfied through my Savior.
In You, I am content.
Today, in Christ, the fog has lifted!
I really resonated with what you are saying here. Thank you for posting this information