For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21 NKJV
Treasure - Strong’s Lexicon Greek 2344: A storehouse for precious things…
Heart - Strong’s Lexicon Greek 2588: Thoughts or feelings; also the middle.
The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, But the Lord tests the heart. Proverbs 17:3 NKJV
Tests - Strong’s Lexicon Hebrew 974: To examine, try, prove
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Matthew 12:34b NKJV
Heart - Strong’s Lexicon Greek 2588: Thoughts or feelings; also the middle
Guard your heart diligently, for from it flow the springs of life.
Proverbs 4:23 TLV
Guard - Strong’s Lexicon Hebrew 5341: Watch, watch over, keep, preserve, keep secret…watchman
Your heart - Strong’s Lexicon Hebrew 3820: Inner man, mind, will, heart, understanding, knowledge, thinking, conscience, emotions and passions, resolution, memory, the heart (of moral character) i.e. seat of appetites, emotions, passions, courage
Diligence - Strong’s Lexicon Hebrew 4929: Place of confinement, prison, post, watch, act of guarding, Guardhouse
Spring / flow - Strong’s Lexicon Hebrew 8444: source, outgoing
Springs of life - Strong’s Lexicon Hebrew 2416: life, appetite, revival, community
Only the Lord knows the heart.
He searches and examines the very depths of our heart, and tests our treasure within the storehouse of our thoughts. The abundance of our heart is trumpeted through the words we express. Recently, the Lord was so good to point out to me the sour notes I had been trumpeting from the depths of my heart.
Blasts of condemnation, judgement, and pride spewed forth in my accusations toward another. Though, the accused did not hear my words of disapproval, the Lord most certainly did. “Daughter, do you hear yourself right now?” My rant ceased, as my ears tuned to the voice of the Lord. “Every word you are speaking right now is a prophetic declaration of death.”
Before me, in the spirit, I saw a storehouse filled with labeled boxes of the multiple records of wrong I held against this person. I swallowed deeply, as I realized the sour notes I played, were from the storehouse of my heart. A symphony of pride was being orchestrated through the horn of my judgement. BUT GOD, in His goodness, opened my ears to hear the tirade of my sin.
God spoke, “ Take responsibility.”
In repentance, I took responsibility for the ill issues within the storehouse of my heart. One by one, I repented of my wrong. Within each category, a mixed assortment filled my thoughts with multiple entries. Judgements. Condemnation. Accusations. Pride. My storehouse was quite full of such bitter declarations. In Christ, I then proceeded to remove the labeled boxes of my transgressions.
“Now, take authority.”
In the Name of Jesus, I silenced the enemy that has fed this offense, blinded my perspective, stirred up strife, and snared me in pride. I closed any door I opened to the deceiver, allowing him access to my thoughts. In the Name of Jesus, I declared, “All access is denied, enemy, and I evict you from the premises of my heart.” I took back the ground I surrendered, rededicating it to the kingdom of God. Then, I asked the Lord, to fill my heart afresh with His glory, allowing my storehouse to be radiant with the very presence of God.
It is a call to be a watchman.
I placed a guardhouse around my storehouse, so that the spring of my heart would be refreshed, pouring life out to others. In that moment, I determined to stand guard over my thoughts, feelings, and innermost part. For, God Almighty has called each of us to be a watchman of our own heart.
As I sit in Your presence, I ask that You would reveal unto me any boxes within the storehouse of my heart that are displeasing to You. I long for my heart to be right before You.
Search my heart, Oh God.
As You bring these things to mind, I will take full responsibility for my actions. Then, I will move in the fullness of my God-given authority to strip the devil of any position I have surrendered to him. I shall take back that ground, rededicating it to the kingdom of God.
May the storehouse of my heart be filled afresh with Your glory, dear Lord.
Awaken within me the responsibility of being a watchman over my own heart.
In the precious Name of Jesus, I place a guardhouse around the storehouse of my heart. Spring up within me, oh God, allowing the outflow of my heart to bring life to those around me.