Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6 NKJV
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Philippians 4:6 NLT
Thanksgiving - Strong’s Lexicon Greek 2169
With thanksgiving…
I think of this directive in prayer, and it causes me to reflect on the training of a child. Basic manners 101. Even if you haven’t raised children, you were a child, and most assuredly, you’ve experienced being in the presence of the well behaved, and the ill mannered individual.
The standard raised within our behavior follows us into adulthood; might I say, even into our relationship with our Heavenly Father. As you come, before the Lord Almighty, what standard is raised through your request in prayer? Do you barge into His holy presence, and demand your needs be met? Or, do you treat God as your genie in a bottle, then pout when your wish is unanswered? Maybe, you whine and complain in unbelief, releasing a stench of doubt, throwing a tantrum within your soul?
Think on it.
How do you approach God?
Is it with thanksgiving?
The Lord himself directs us to accept God’s kingdom with the simplicity of little children. (Luke 18:15-17) As I envisioned children coming to the Father, I visualized a scene from the movie: The King and I. Have you seen it? Within the scene, the King’s daughter runs with great enthusiasm into the presence of His Majesty. She knows, with heart-felt thanksgiving, she belongs! Though, she interrupts his meeting, the King does not get angry; instead, he turns to His child, and receives her with gladness. The King smiles, enamored, delighting in her presence. This is a beautiful picture of how our Father in heaven receives us. The King Almighty turns toward us. Whether, we may enter into His court with a great joy, or are overwhelmed with heaviness, Abba’s heart is for us, eager to receive His children. Let us be thankful, for we can freely approach the King through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He has made the way for us to enter His gates with with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Through the sacrifice of the Son, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, the holy scepter is extended to us. We can freely come, just like little children, for in Christ, we belong. Thank you, Lord!
Let us be a thankful people.
Imagine how our accolades of thanksgiving would bring great joy to the Father’s heart, as we enter into His presence, to make our requests known to Him.
May the house of prayer, within each of us, flourish with thanksgiving.
Thank You, Father for this time of reflection.
I repent for my fault finding, murmuring, and complaining… for demanding my way…treating you like a genie in a bottle…throwing tantrums…speaking unbelief…embracing doubt…
In the Name of Jesus, I take captive every thought, and break off all unbelief, and any orphan spirit that secretly whispers, “I don’t belong.” I take the authority You have given to me, and silence the hiss of the serpent, crushing it under my feet.
In Christ, I decree, I BELONG!
As a little child with great exuberance, I run to You. I enter Your presence, as one invited. Boldly, I come. It is within my inheritance.
I take this opportunity to say, “Thank you, Father, for everything! Past. Present. And future.” Not only does the King extend His scepter to me; He eagerly awaits my arrival.
Thank You, for this reminder to be thankful. I have so much to be thankful for. In You alone, I have life itself - life eternal. For that, I am forever grateful to You, the One who gave it all, for me.
May my prayers flourish with thanksgiving, as I give thanks in all things.
For in Christ, I have reason to be - forever thankful!
Thank you!
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 NKJV