I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians; I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads held high. Leviticus 26:13 NIV
In Christ, the bars of our yoke have been broken! We can walk with our heads held high; though, the enemy would want us to think differently. The accuser longs to entrap us in a servitude of bondage, mastered by hauntings of shame, condemnation, pride, and the anguish of past events. Seemingly, there is a yoke for every accusation within the enemy’s storehouse of enslavement. All such yokes are available for our adornment - if we so choose. The yoke of the serpent proves to be a heavy weight designed to pull us down - Eternally - diabolically keeping our minds victim to our circumstances. (Regrettably, tragedy does happen, but there is freedom to be found from the incessant mental yoke of trauma. Freedom’s Name is Jesus.)
In Jesus we are set us free from such a burden. We needn’t be yoked to the enemy’s reproof, or the constant replay of regret. Our past is just that, our past. Our sins forgiven! Bondage broken! Mental anguish transformed. Stop dragging around the weight of regret. Look up! In Christ, the yoke of corrupt influence has been lifted!
Set free, a new Spiritual yoke is given, taking us to higher heights.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 NIV
A Divine exchange happens when we come to Christ. Through the resurrection power of Almighty God the yoke of oppression is broken. It is in the newness of life through Christ, that we are called to be yoked with Him.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Mathew 11:28-30 NIV
His yoke is easy.
Yoke - Strong’s Concordance Greek 2218: Coupling. Servitude. Beam of balance.
Easy - Strong’s Concordance Greek 5543: Useful. Gentle. Pleasant. Kind.
Our servitude unto God is pleasant.
It brings rest to our soul...
Rest - Strong’s Concordance Greek 372: Cessation from labor. Refreshment.
Soul - Strong’s Concordance Greek 5590: Breath. A person’s distinct identity.
Unique personhood. (Psyche)
…refreshment to our identity.
Yoked with the Lord, we are free to follow His lead, moving together as one.
We cannot see all that the Spirit sees, we only see in part. Though, to our eyes the path before us is unseen, He will lead us in victory. His yoke is to be trusted.
His yoke does not enslave, but endows us with great freedom, full of promise, as we move in cadence with the Spirit of God. We are empowered to press on. In step with His Spirit, He will lead us to great exploits advancing the Kingdom of God.
Which yoke do you choose?
Within the yoke of the enemy we remain a victim to hellish influence burdened by mental torment. Where as, the yoke of the Lord brings freedom to the captive, offering victory to the oppressed.
Victim or Victor?
How will you walk it out?
The choice remains.
Prayer - Free to be!
You know my past. You have seen the pain of my circumstances. Diabolically, the serpent has used these circumstances and slithered in, forming a yoke of hellish influence about me. The torment of the accuser has proved weighty. The constant mental anguish has pulled me down, keeping my mind a victim to the mental yoke of trauma. I never saw this dynamic of the devil, until now.
I bow before You in this moment, and ask You to set me free from every yoke of the enemy that has weighed heavily upon me. (Take a moment. Identify the yoke.)
With the authority given to me through Jesus Christ I pray:
In the Name of Jesus, I surrender every yoke of the enemy in my life in to the hands of Almighty God. In Christ, the yoke of oppression has been broken, making every thought now obedient to God. Today, I lay down the hellish yokes, and receive the Divine exchange for the yoke of the Lord. Coupled with God Eternal, I am free to be.
His yoke is easy! Balanced! Refreshing my identity! Full of promise! Trustworthy!
Victory is mine in Christ Jesus! He has enabled me to walk with my head held high.
I will not be burdened again by a yoke of slavery!