For the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, to the building up of the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:12
A Call to Prayer
February 22, 2018
One snowy evening I was invited to go to the Turnaround for a special time of prayer. ( An Appeal to Heaven spurred by Dutch Sheets) I was tired and the weather was nasty and I really didn’t feel like going. But I gathered myself and headed for Cazenovia. I came into the Turnaround and sat down and was then asked if I would open in prayer. That was the last of me and my wimpy attitude. God stepped in and took over my spirit; such a power came over me! I was doubled over in prayer, interceding fervently. My stomach muscles tightened and I groaned in the Spirit. I couldn’t stay seated. It was so powerful!
So God!
That went on while I was there. Several people had prophetic, encouraging words over me before I left. I needed to get home to my husband but the spirit of intercession stayed with me the whole drive home. Our God is so very powerful, so very faithful. Testimony given by BK
Anointing Oil
February 22, 2018
When I was prayed for at the Turnaround a prophetic vision was seen of me carrying three buckets of anointing oil. I questioned what happened, so I studied what the “oil” meant biblically. I found oil is mentioned 202 times in the Bible. It seems, oil must be important to God, and God must have something He wanted to bless myself and others with through that prophetic vision. (I
also studied Matthew 25 regarding oil.) I am writing this testimony on April 3, 2018, approximately one month and one week from that time of prayer at the Turnaround. In the last five weeks God has opened many doors for me to evangelize with at least fifteen people to share His gospel; some strangers and
some family members. I travel with my work. I have had three trips in this time period. On every trip I have had the opportunity to share the gospel with clients, passengers, hotel and restaurant workers. One airplane passenger whose seat was accidentally moved next to mine prayed the sinner’s prayer with me. When she left she prophetically said, “Nothing happens by
The greatest blessing was an opportunity I had to share with my ten year old granddaughter...explaining clearly to her in her terms who Christ is, His shed blood, and what He accomplishedat the cross.
I will tell you it is not me. It is our God inside of me that is opening the doors and choosing my words...His anointing oil. JP
Physical Therapist
October 28, 2018
Thank you, Jesus, for your faithful servants who stood with me
and helped me run back to Your arms. Like a physical therapist
helps the injured to not be afraid to use newly repaired limbs,
You helped me to trust You and the healing You, God, have
brought to my heart. DP
Physical Healing
November 4, 2018
Sitting in His presence at the Turnaround, I am overwhelmed by His glory. I felt a great warmth penetrate my arms, as if a great heat was melting away the stiffness within my limbs. Within that time, I gained much mobility in my “frozen” shoulders and arms and much of the pain has left. I am amazed at the mobility that has been restored unto me in His presence. Thank you, Lord. AT
This Place
January 26, 2019
The peace and blessing of the Lord rests upon, and is in, this
place (The Turnaround). BE
To My Delight
February 5, 2019
I stopped in at the Turnaround to minister to the Lord, but to my
delight, He ministered to me, covering me, as if I was hidden
under the shadow of His wings. AT
All In!
February 10, 2019
“I wasn’t thinking about trains when I came to the Turnaround, but that is what happened. My life was turned around! I was headed in one direction, running away from God, and now I am running to God.” DP
March 5, 2019
I thank God for the Turnaround, and I praise Him for the glorious things He has done here and what He will do! Turnaround family, thank you for receiving me with such loving arms, for being family. I appreciate and love you all. C
Restoration to My Soul
March 23, 2019
The Turnaround has been blessed by God’s presence. The first time I went there for a prayer gathering I closed my eyes and immediately felt the presence of the Lord. Because He is there, freedom results, whether personal time with the Lord, ministry time with a small group, or a group setting, God has set me free from whatever was holding me back from complete freedom in Him. He has poured His love into me, released me from fear, anxiety, and self-loathing. God has brought restoration to my soul at the Turnaround. MP
At The Heart of The Turnaround
By “the Lord” what I mean is the Spirit, and in any heart where the Spirit of the Lord is present, there is liberty. Now all of us, with our faces unveiled, reflect the glory of the Lord as if we are mirrors; and so we are being transformed, metamorphosed, into His same image from one radiance of glory to another, just as the Spirit of the Lord accomplishes it.
2 Corinthians 3:17-18 - The Voice
At the heart of the Turnaround there is the presence of the LORD. My time there was filled with HIS Peace, Love and Spirit. The beauty of the outside surrounding area added the beauty of HIS natural world to the spiritual experience. There is a completeness at the Turnaround that blessed me beyond measure.
With gratitude and praise to JESUS,
Shirley Z.